New T-shirt design by Jessica Gallant

New T-shirt design by Jessica Gallant

design by Jessica Gallant

SMC attempts apartheid tuition

image sampled from MSN

Michael Medved interviewed Harrison Wills, SMC’s AS President and David Steinman, a Green Party congressional candidate today in Los Angeles.  Students there attempted to enter a meeting to protest the tuition plan. They met opposition from security forces and were pepper-sprayed.

Subject: The current tuition proposal (one that creates two price points for high demand vs. standard classes) of the college system is not sustainable, as evidenced by 300-400% tuition hike proposals. Wills claims there has not been a democratic process to vet the proposal and students are being blocked from discussing the proposal.

David Curtis: “The two part pay structure being proposed attempts to establish educational apartheid in a public vehicle.”

David Curtis: “The system could be a co-op structure. In such a structure, the students, teachers, admin and support workers would be co-operative owners.”*

MM: Yes, what about letting the free market come up with a solution?

*David Curtis commenting via telephone on the Michael Medved radio show today from San Francisco.

David Curtis

David Curtis

Golden Trout Lake, Sierra Nevadas
photo by Kastytis Cechavicius

Punk Rock Picnic


Punk Rock Picnic

The Green Party will be registering voters at the Battle of the Bands at Slidebar

Campaign Contact Information

Advance team phone number: 415 233 4721 Skype

David Curtis for Secretary of State

PO Box 6624

San Rafael, CA 94903


Oakland office:

Los Angeles office: